Danny Thomason — SNU Athletic Director
On this episode I sat down with Danny Thomason the Athletic Director for Southern Nazarene University. Danny is in his first year of being AD, as you can imagine its been a bit of a world wind with this pandemic bringing schools to a halt. Danny was previously a medical sales representative for Merc Pharmaceuticals. Covering much of the Southwestern part of the state. He’s worked and served with hundreds of small town doctors and tells some fantastic stories of his time with them.
I first met Danny in a class at SNU. The business professors had arranged a “Chat With The Exec’s” day for us to learn about the real world from past graduates. Danny was one of those talking to us that day. Its 8am, most of us in the class just rolled out of bed and in comes this guy, screams his best Rick Flair WOOOOOOOO at the top of his voice and jumps up onto the desk in the front row.
It woke us up and I thought to myself, “who is this lunatic”
Danny has been a friend and mentor since that day. His passion dn energy for the university hasn’t faded one bit since graduating and years later he would become the new Athletic Director. What a first year he’s had. Starting in July 2019. SNU athletics has been a force to be reckoned with all season especially the mens basketball team winning conference for the third year in a row and sadly their dominating season cut short because of COVID19.
Danny tells us all about his new role as AD, coming from the medical sales world or “Drug Dealer” as he called himself. Selling diabetes and heart medicine for years across South Eastern Oklahoma. A job that took him to all the small towns you’ve never heard of and to some of the best burger joints you need to hear about. Danny has a famous “Burger Matrix” ironically selling heart and diabetes medicine he’d always search for the best local food in every small town. The majority being burger joints. Danny has developed this matrix over years of trial and tribulation which we speak about during the episode.
It gives me great pleasure to bring this episode to you.
This episode is presented by the Oklahoma Hall of Fame. Telling Oklahoma’s Story Through Its People Since 1927. Follow them online www.oklahomahof.com and on social media @oklahomahof
This podcast is presented by the @oklahomahof Telling Oklahoma’s Story Through its People Since 1927. #thisisoklahoma